The Arduino? Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2* is a miniature sized module containing a NINA B306 module, based on Nordic nRF52480 and containing an Arm? Cortex?-M4F. The BMI270 and BMM150 jointly provide a 9 axis IMU. The module can either be mounted as a DIP component (when mounting pin headers), or as a SMT component, directly soldering it via the castellated pads.
*The Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2 product has two SKUs:
Without headers (ABX00069)
With headers (ABX00070)
NINA B306 Module
64 MHz Arm? Cortex?-M4F (with FPU)
1 MB Flash + 256 kB RAM
Bluetooth? 5 multiprotocol radio
2 Mbps
CSA #2
Advertising Extensions
Long Range
+8 dBm TX power
-95 dBm sensitivity
4.8 mA in TX (0 dBm)
4.6 mA in RX (1 Mbps)
Integrated balun with 50 Ω single-ended output
IEEE 802.15.4 radio support
Full-speed 12 Mbps USB
NFC-A tag
Arm CryptoCell CC310 security subsystem
High speed 32 MHz SPI
Quad SPI interface 32 MHz
EasyDMA for all digital interfaces
12-bit 200 ksps ADC
128 bit AES/ECB/CCM/AAR co-processor
BMI270 6-axis IMU (Accelerometer and Gyroscope)
3-axis accelerometer with ±2g/±4g/±8g/±16g range
3-axis gyroscope with ±125dps/±250dps/±500dps/±1000dps/±2000dps range
BMM150 3-axis IMU (Magnetometer)
3-axis digital geomagnetic sensor
0.3μT resolution
±1300μT (x,y-axis), ±2500μT (z-axis)
LPS22HB (Barometer and temperature sensor)
260 to 1260 hPa absolute pressure range with 24 bit precision
High overpressure capability: 20x full-scale
Embedded temperature compensation
16-bit temperature data output
1 Hz to 75 Hz output data rateInterrupt functions: Data Ready, FIFO flags, pressure thresholds
HS3003 Temperature & humidity sensor
0-100% relative humidity range
Humidity accuracy: ±1.5%RH, typical (HS3001, 10 to 90%RH,25°C)
Temperature sensor accuracy: ±0.1°C, typical
Up to 14-bit humidity and temperature output data
APDS-9960 (Digital proximity, Ambient light, RGB and Gesture Sensor)
Ambient Light and RGB Color Sensing with UV and IR blocking filters
Very high sensitivity – Ideally suited for operation behind dark glass
Proximity Sensing with Ambient light rejection
Complex Gesture Sensing
MP34DT06JTR (Digital Microphone)
AOP = 122.5 dbSPL
64 dB signal-to-noise ratio
Omnidirectional sensitivity
–26 dBFS ± 3 dB sensitivity
MP2322 DC-DC
Regulates input voltage from up to 21V with a minimum of 65% efficiency @minimum load
More than 85% efficiency @12V